

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic treatment, is a procedure used to treat a damaged or infected tooth. The goal of this treatment is to remove the infected or inflamed tissue within the tooth, and then seal it to prevent further damage or infection. If left untreated, a damaged or infected tooth can lead to pain, swelling, and potentially more serious health problems. Root canal therapy is a safe and effective way to preserve your natural tooth and avoid more invasive procedures such as extraction. At Accolade Dental, we use the latest techniques and technology to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for our patients. Our experienced team will evaluate your situation and recommend the best course of action to address your specific needs and concerns. Call us on (08) 7078 3555 today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free smile.

During the root canal procedure, the infected or inflamed tissue within the tooth is carefully removed, and the root canal is cleaned and disinfected. Once the root canal is clean and free of infection, it is sealed to prevent further damage or infection. A dental crown is often placed over the treated tooth to provide additional support and protection.

Our team will provide you with detailed pre- and post-operative instructions to help you prepare for your procedure and optimise your recovery. We also offer sedation options to help ensure a comfortable and pain-free experience.

In addition to root canal therapy, we offer a range of dental services to help you maintain optimal oral health. These include routine cleanings, check-ups, and preventive care to help prevent dental problems and maintain a healthy smile.


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